Page 20 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 20
Above all, the problem we have discussed sums up to the fact that creativity accelerates.
structure of our education system is heavily focused on college
admissions. Under the current admission-based system, studying If what we really want is creativity, then the debate on how to
hard is nothing more than attempting to meet the requirements rethink the way the CSAT and school grades are conducted and
for the higher education providers and creativity, therefore, au- the abolition of the admissions-oriented education system should
tomatically becomes out of interests. This phenomenon is caused have been the task of the seventh education reform. But it was
by the system where students only have to give ‘right’ answers in not, and policies such as “free semester system” and “student
given time. Eventually students would only study within a given education” aimed at introducing creativity without carrying out
range of a test to reduce mistakes and save solving time. It would such tasks only created criticism and closure of effectiveness at
be irrational to expect creativities in those style of study. the site. As such agreement and consideration are not reached on
the issue of the recent college admission system, the debate is not
The education system is also seeking for a way to develop stu- concluded but is running parallel.
dents into a “competition”. And this competition inevitably leads
students to have the same goal. That is because the definition of The future reform of the education system should present not
competition is to win for the same purpose. For ‘selection,’ the empty human resources with words that are prevalent in the
admissions system requires students to ‘grade’ and the only con- times, but human resources that can represent and lead the Ko-
sistent goal of the students is their grades. When these require- rean society, forming a social consensus. And whether it can
ments are met, competition is established, competition contin- produce talent that matches human resources is upto a society’s
ues, and studying is more and more a means. And exclusion of desirable education system.