Page 17 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 17


                        The Way to University : about the Direction

                                                                                                   By Ji Tae-hyeon

                                                              Most high school students, as well as elementary and middle
                                                             school students, will dream of going to university. Students are
                                                             studying hard, dreaming of a course they want for their future
                                                             dream, and going to the university they want. Most students go to
                                                             better university. But since the number of students going to college
                                                             is fixed, we are still competing. How will we get to college?

                                                              There are two main types of ways we go to college. There
                                                             are rolling admission that assess students based on their
                                                             grades and School Student Detailed Record during the three
                                                             years of high school and regular admission that evaluates
                                                             students based of their SAT scores organized by the Korea
                                                             Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation in November. While
                                                             Grades and School record have the advantage of being faith-
                                                             ful to a student’s school life and making efforts for his own
                                                             career, It is easy to create irregularities, such as writing their
                                                             own school records. Regular admission has the advantage of
                                                             being a fairer test than any other test, but the disadvantage is
                                                             that the results of the test vary greatly depending on the con-
        dition of SAT day. It is impossible to say which of the two examples with each characteristic is better. The rolling admission
        does not mean that one’s efforts have been amissed, even the SAT did not study for a short period of time. Until the early
        2010s, most students lived in a world where it was natural to go to college with regular admission. But now the system has
        changed, rolling admission is taking up most of the admissions. Rolling admission is also divided into different types, but
        the most important thing is School grades. However, this is very common in cases where students taking up the middle of
        high-level schools have higher test scores than those at the top of the lower-level schools. Due to this reason, many people
        are still voicing their opinions on the expansion of the regular admission. So far, the government has reversed the trend
        of college entrance exams through the expansion of rolling admission but now it says it will expand regular admission by
        2020. It doesn’t matter to high school students right now, but there are many middle school students who are wondering
        whether they should prepare regular admission or rolling admission. When we look around, we are divided between a friend
        who is preparing for a regular admission and a friend who is preparing for a rolling admission. Then how do we act?

         Most people insist that students should prepare
        for rolling admission and regular admission. When
        school grades are over, they say to focus on the
        SAT. However, it is not easy, so many students can-
        not find a way to the university. Regular admission
        and rolling admission, it’s up to us to choose be-
        tween these two different paths. It would be better
        to judge which one will help you better, depend-
        ing on your situation. Third grade students in high
        school are now approaching their exams, and oth-
        er lower graders should think it is not a far future.
        While you study hard, if you choose that path later,
        I think it’s not too late. I hope everyone will make
        an effort and get the outcome they want,

                                                                                                   November 2018 No.10  15
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