Page 13 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 13
A Singing Contest in Foreign Languages
By Park Jae-hyeong
A singing contest in Japanese and Chi- teachers, such as music, and foreign lan- located 3rd floor of Science Building.
nese was held with the attendance of guage, as the participants were judged Mr. Han and Mr. Ohnoshi is in charge
around 300 students, 25 groups in Song- to perform well in spite of mistakes and of this contest. You may prepare to join
do high school on Sep.13th and 14th. errors they made on the stage. the contest in advance in case of hav-
The genre of song was various, from bal- ing too many applicants, as the number
lad to rock music. After the performance, the award for of participants would be limited. Every
best 4 groups was made. This contest student who has an interest will be al-
In Chinese, most of them sang for local seems to be very interesting event among lowed to join the contest. Ms. Heo, Chi-
music and Chinese-translated K-POP the students, for it was held before the nese teacher, said because the purpose
was very popular, whereas in Japanese, Mid-term Exam. of this contest is to demonstrate his skill
animation opening and virtual idol song of foreign languages, everybody will be
attracted the good attention. Overall, This contest is held once a year in Sep- welcomed to join.
there was a good evaluation among tember and you can apply within 2 ~
the participation by the related course 3 weeks before at Globalization team,
November 2018 No.10 11