Page 10 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 10


                                           2018 Anatomy Class

                                                                                                   By Lee Dong-jun

          From April 9th to April 13th, 2018,   dissected, what to observe while dis-
        Mr. Song Yeong-wook, who is teach-  secting and how to dissect. Although
        ing Life Science held the 2018 anato-  there were what we already learned
        my class. Many students participated   in the class, we had difficult to find
        the anatomy class because they are   and comprehend the organs and
        interested in Life Science or medi-  structure while actually dissecting.
        cal science. The students who par-  So  many students concentrated on
        ticipated the anatomy class said that   dissection so much for hours without
        they participated to get some new   looking tired. When I was dissecting
        knowledge and have a unusual expe-  the heart or brain, the thought that
        rience through the anatomy class.   these organs were almost like human
                                          organs made me feel strange at first.
          On the first day of the class, we have   But while continuosly dissecting with
        a simple but very important orienta-  my friends, i felt better soon and I
        tion. The teacher explained not only   could know exactly the structure and
        about a dissection, but also the name   name of the heart and brain. I will
        and use of the dissection tools, the   never forget the feeling of scalpel in
        attitude to have as an anatomist, and   this anatomy class.
        the  creatures  to  be dissected  in the
        future. We were going to dissect the   I  think  that  an  anatomy  class  is  a
        squid, the heart of the pig, the little   very valuable and meaningful expe-
        pig, and the brain of the sheep one   rience to learn things that cannot be
        by one. The anatomy class was pro-  learned from textbooks. So if you are
        gressed in a way that we search the   very interested in Life science, I think
        information briefly before the class,   that participating the anatomy class
        the teacher explained us in more de-  is good experience for you. However,
        tail and finally we dissected organs.   It is the most important to have the
        The teacher taught us the structure   respectful attitude and not take life
        and the name of the organs to be   lightly in the anatomy class.

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