Page 6 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 6
Cross-border Frienship with John F. Kennedy High School
- Junior ROTC Exchange Agreement -
By Park Seung-jong, Moon Jun-ho, Ha Jae-woo
Songdo High School in Incheon and John F. chang Son, present principal of Songdo High
Kennedy High School in Guam signed a mu- School, Jae-yoon Lee, principal of Yeonsu Girl’s
tual agreement for international exchanges on high school and principal Barab Rosa Adamos
the 17 of July. The two schools have decided at John F. Kennedy High School. As the place
to share their education programmes, joint was a school in the US, the event was conduct-
classes and guest events with the center of the ed in two languages: English and Korean, with
junior ROTC. Songdo High School founded the Korean principals giving speeches in English
Navy Junior ROTC in 2015, and John F. Ken- and students of Songdo High School translating
nedy High School started to operate the Air Babara principal’s English speech. The Korean
Force Junior ROTC since 1970. The agreement principals welcomed John F. Kennedy’s visit to
was signed by John F. Kennedy High School, Korea, and the principal of John F. Kennedy
who was informed of Songdo High School’s High School was delighted with the signing of
junior ROTC activity as a newspaper article. the MOU and said he was making plans for stu- Q. How did you feel about the welcome cer-
dents at two korean high schools to visit Guam. emony with the junior ROTC cadets at
Fourteen junior ROTC students at John F. As the principals of the three schools finished Songdo High School?
Kennedy High School had visited Korea for speaking, the welcoming ceremony ended with A. It was a very impressive reception. I think
seven days, visiting the Korean War Memorial, a performance by the Songdo High School Or- it’s pretty cool to see the cooperation be-
and visiting the Incheon Landing Operation chestra. tween our two countries and their schools.
Memorial Hall, and participating in physical That sounds like a great deal.
activities with Songdo High School students. After the welcoming ceremony, John F. Ken-
nedy and his students had a photo time with Q. Why did John F. Kennedy High School visit
On April 17, Songdo High School and Yeo- students at Songdo High School and Yeo- Songdo High School?
nsu Girls’ High School held a welcoming cer- nsu Girl’s high school , and moved to a ca- A. We were trying to visit Korea, but we didn’t
emony for John F. Kennedy High School as they reer room to enjoy the promotional images know much about the schools. So I asked
signed MOU with John F. Kennedy High School of Songdo High School while enjoying snacks my mom which school was suitable for,
in Guam. The welcoming ceremony was finally from Korea and drinks. John F. Kennedy’s and out of many schools, she recommend-
held with the entrance of John F. Kennedy high group reacted with great satisfaction, cheer- ed Songdo High School, which was first
school students, chanting strong slogans, with ing and applauding throughout the event. founded by ROTC in high school.
the attendance of the school’s principal as well Meanwhile, in the reception room, the prin-
as many guests and parents. The performance cipal of the three schools signed an MOU. Q. What is the history of John F. Kennedy
of the Songdo High School Orchestra led a The MOU is expected to play a big role as the High School?
public ceremony, followed by Sung-sam Oh, foundation for the development of J.ROTC at A. Our school started in 1959, and until then
former Songdo High School principal and Jin- Songdo High School. there was no system for Junior ROTC, but
since the U.S. established the Junior ROTC
After that, the interview was conducted with Act in 1964, our school has officially con-
Korean questions and English answers, and tinued to create ROTC.
Shin Young-chan, the freshman of Songdo
high school, was in charge of interpreting the Q. What is special about ROTC in Kennedy
interview: High School that you want to teach to
Songdo High School students?
Q. Please tell me your membership, position A. Students are active enough to the extent
and name. that their teachers are rarely involved, and
A. I am Frank, the present junior ROTC man- there are many clubs. And most of all, I
ager at John F. Kennedy High School, and a think it’s special that ROTC is included as a
science teacher. regular subject.