Page 8 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 8


                                              SMUS? Smooth!

                                                                                                By Yang Hyeon-gyu

          On  May  26,  SMUS  2018  was  held.   the students first experienced a MUN,   only four of its SDMUN members have
        SMUS 2018 stands for Songdo’s MUN   the meeting went well overall. There   planned and prepared for the event,
        Union Session and is a model united   was a great deal of effort by the chairs   and more surprisingly, the prepara-
        nations(MUN) union session hosted by   of each committee to make delegates   tion period was not even three months.
        Songdo High School’s MUN club SD-   participate actively. A week before the   Nevertheless, the participants’ com-
        MUN. SMUS 2018 took place at the in-  event, the chairmen of each committee   ments were favorable. Many people
        ternational campus of Yonsei Univer-  provided online delegation  education   thanked for making happy memories,
        sity located in songdo, and about 200   to the delegation of  their respective   and many asked when the next SMUS
        high school students in Incheon at-  committees. Even after that, the del-  will be held. So far, the event has been
        tended to it. In May, nearly two months   egation and the chairperson prepared   successfully held.
        after the new semester began, SMUS   for the event by communicating with
        2018 opened the first stage of the for-  each other whenever there was a con-  The SMUS 2018 event also gave a
        mal MUN union session. A total of five   stant question, so a great meeting was   positive impact of the later MUN Un-
        committees were operated in SMUS    held on the day of the event.       ion session by other high schools such
        2018. The English Council included                                      as Daegun High School.
        UNEP(United Nations Environmental    Secretary General of SMUS 2018 was   It is not yet clear when the next SMUS
        programme), DISEC(Disarmamnet and   Hyun Gyu Yang, and Deputy Secretary   will be opened, but many people are
        International  Security  Committee),  General  was Seon Woo  Kim. Depart-  expecting to meet it.
        UNESCO(United Nations Educational,   ment of Management was Jimin Kim,
        Scientific, Cultural Organization) and   and Department of Economic and So-
        WHO(World    Health  Organization),  cial Affairs is Seung Min Jeong. All of
        while the Korean language committee   them are Songdo High School’s Second
        included the United Nations Economic   grade, and also in SDMUN. They had
        and Social Council. Each committee   exerted great effort to hold SMUS 2018.
        set a  corresponding  agenda for  the
        meeting  with about  20 national  del-  While most MUN events are prepared
        egations, three chairs and three staff   for half a year with about 15 to 20 sec-
        members. Although more than half of   retariat  members,  SMUS 2018  is that

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