Page 12 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 12


                               Thank You for Blooming Beautifully

                                                                                               By Choi Da-wit(David)

          Hello, everyone? What comes to mind if you think about   also think my soul is growing up not only with those guys
        volunteering? Kindness? Sharing? Or love? Today, I would   doing volunteer work with me. Through this experience, I
        like to introduce some experiences about serving at Inha   thought  that volunteering  is  not about  one-sided  helping
        Univ. hospital for a year. I joined SCV(Science Club Volun-  or giving, but about interacting, supporting and maturing.
        teer) at the beginning of the semester, for I was interested   In the second semester, I’m selected as a executive of the
        in volunteering and eager, and I got a chance to do various   student council, the vice president of volunteering depart-
        volunteer works. Thanks to those works, I plan and produce   ment based on my passion for volunteer work, taking re-
        a science kit for every Monday and every Tuesday for work-  sponsibility for the service-related duties of Songdo High
        ing in advance. Although the preparation process is tiring   School. These activities for a year have led me to promise to
        and difficult, when I see childhood patients feeling happy   continue my volunteering and, if I have the opportunity to
        and their beautiful smiles I feel that my fatigues seem to be   do so, I would like to share with you the feelings and stories
        melt away, and it motivate me to continue volunteering. I   that I will experience as I do.^^

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