Page 7 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 7
A Historic Exchange
- In Commemoration of Albert Schweitzer -
Songdo Times Editorial
This summer, Mr. Kim Jae-min flew all the way to Gabon, the other side of our planet, as a delegate of Songdo High School
to sign the MOU with Hospital Albert Schweizer which was built by the great doctor, Albert Schweizer. Yes, he
is the one you have heard or read about. It began with a letter sent to the hospitals administrators by the
principal, Mr. Son Jin-chang. A long story short, our school now has a new friends in Africa. Why don’t you
read yourself the letter that began the historic relationship and then the content of the MOU.
To Whom It May Concern
in Hospital Albert Schweitzer
Hello, Dr. Arnaud Flamen and M. Jean-Pierre Saliniere. I am Recently, I and some other teachers in the school
Jin-chang Son, principal of Songdo High School in South Korea. proposed that we design and launch a new curriculum
It is such an honor to be writing a letter to a historic Hospital next year specialized in fostering students who have a vision of
Albert Schweitzer. It is also of higher honor to have heard from becoming doctors or nurses. This is a brand-new project that has
Mr. Jeong-nam Park, the Korean ambassador to Gabon, that the never been tried in a high school setting in Korea. As our previous
board of directors of Hospital Albert Schweitzer had positively challenges had turned out to be, however, I strongly believe that
considered engaging in exchange programs with our school. I this new enterprise will be a cornerstone on which students can
have shared this good news with many of our school faculty. Many build up and fulfill their potentials so that they could eventually
schools have their own noble reasons when they began and it is make true value as well as learn humanitarianism. In shaping our
also the case with our school: under the spirit, “Humble Service” new curriculum, your kind consideration is sure to add it one-of-
was Songdo High School founded in 1906 and the motto has been a-kind feature, where our students, interested in making the world
well remembered and practiced by its members until today. Our a better place, learn the noble spirit of Dr. Albert Schweitzer,
school is a private and boys’ school located in Incheon Metropoli- thereby being further inspired to commit to pursuing their dream.
tan City, South Korea and is known for its hardworking students.
Throughout more than a century there have been tens of thou- Summer has already begun here and it is very humid and hot.
sands of graduates and among the most honored is the late Dr. The Internet says the climate in Gabon is different from that of
Gi-ryeo Jang(1991-1995) who dedicated his whole life to curing here as we are on the other side of the equator. Whatever situation
the sick and then died himself poor, after having shared all he and weather you are in, I pray health for every staff and patients in
possessed to financially help out his patients, just as Dr. Albert your hospital. I will look forward to reading from you. Thank you.
Schweitzer did a century ago.
Sincerely Yours
Jin-chang Son
Songdo High School, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Hospital Albert Schweitzer, Lambaréné, Gabon
Songdo High School, located in Incheon, Republic of Korea, and activities shall be discussed between the working groups and be
the Hospital Albert Schweitzer, Lambaréné, Gabon, in recognition filed as an attachment to this MOU.
of their common interests on helping and serving those in need of The contents of this MOU can be modified under the mutual
medical care, agree to establish the bilateral relationship through agreement of both parties. This MOU will be effective indefinitely,
cooperation and collaboration in the following areas: until one party expresses its wish of termination to the other party
1. Collaborate on areas and contents where education and medi- in a written notification. All activities developed under the aus-
cal care can share common interests and shed light on each other. pices of this MOU will comply with the procedures, policies, and
2. Exchange information and resource materials that can con- practices of both institutions.
tribute to the development and advance of both institutions. This MOU is effective immediately upon signing.
3. Design and implement programs through which human re- August, 2018
sources of both parties meet and interact with each other, thereby
providing mutual benefit: Particularly by having students of Song- Signed by Signed by
do High School visit Hospital of Albert Schweitzer and participate ------------------------ -------------------------------
in volunteer work. Jin Chang Son, Principal, Jean-Pierre SALINIERE, Director,
The details on the implementation strategies and the specifics of Songdo High School Hospital Albert Schweitzer
November 2018 No.10 5