Page 11 - 2018 송도타임즈(통권 10호)
P. 11
All about Vietnamese Club
- What? Who? And AG! -
by Ha Neul-bit
A teacher proceeds to post news article links culture, sports, and traditional culture of Vietnam.
about Vietnam in Kakaotalk group chatting room. They learn Vietnamese every Wednesday when
Hot topics of this chatting is food, soccer, diplo- there is no after school programs.
matic of Vietnam, and studying abroad in Viet-
nam. What kind of chatting is it? It is the Kakaotalk Who are teachers of Vietnamese Club?
group chat room where members of Vietnamese Bao Tram, who is a native Vietnamese teacher of
Club at Songdo High School, mentor Kim Jae-min, the club, has lived in Korea for a long time and is
and native Vietnamese teacher Bao Tram gather. currently attending graduate school.
Kim Jae-min, who has long served as a geog-
What is Vietnamese Club? raphy teacher at Songdo High School is called a
Vietnamese Club is autonomous club of Songdo “Vietnam expert” among students, colleagues and
High School (Principal : Son Jin-Chang), which is senior teachers. He has began his regular trip to
composed of mentor, native Vietnamese teacher, Vietnam for decades and published several books
and members of 1st and 2nd graders. In this club, about Vietnam. For that reason, he even appeared
its members learn Vietnamese through Bao Tram, on EBS’s ‘World Theme Travel’ and introduced
native Vietnamese teacher from Vietnam, estab- Vietnam. Because he likes Vietnam so much, he
lish strategies for learning Vietnamese with com- introduced Vietnam’s history, culture, geography,
paring Korean with Vietnamese, and learn songs, and travel information to his students.
Watching Semi-final of Football on a relay broadcast (South Korea 3 : 1 Vietnam) They celebrated South
On August 29, they watched Semi-final of Foot- Korea and prayed for Vietnam’s bronze medal at
ball at the 2018 Asian Games (South Korea vs. Vi- the same time.
etnam) on a relay broadcast. Along with a native
Vietnamese teacher, they recognized the names of In this way, teachers who like Vietnam, native
the national soccer players in Vietnam and made English teachers from Vietnam, and students who
pickets in Vietnamese to root for them and Park want to learn Vietnamese make Vietnamese club.
Hang-seo. And some students even cheered for During the winter vacation, they are planning to
both South Korea and Vietnam in a T-shirt with a go to Hanoi for a trip, and will eat Vietnamese rice
Vietnamese flag on it. They cheered the players of noodles and Vietnamese Spring Rolls someday.
both countries by eating chicken, pizza, cookies, Why don’t you count on the Vietnamese club?
and drinks prepared by Kim.
The game ended in a victory for South Korea.
November 2018 No.10 9